Proof is in the pudding

lee jarvis (
Sun, 16 May 1999 20:36:17 PDT

Since I posted my letter to the G2 ref the supposed bug which was ALLEGED
that LoTC used I have recieved enough info from the people involved to say
that no bug was used. 4 LoTC nobles took time to mail me and one explained
how they achieved what they did. They did not have to do this but the
feeling I got was that they enjoy this game as much as me and did it as a
coutersy. I don't expect anyone to take my word as UNDENIABLE fact but
surfice to say I studied it for my own peace of mind and believe them
INNOCENT of any cheating. As I stated in the original letter this was not
directed solely at LoTC. They have seen fit to answer me directly and I
respect. Don't waste mails asking me how they did it or for the info they
gave me as it is deleted and I have put myself in a hypnotic trance and
flushed my memory of all events from the last 20 years. I would appreciate
anyone who has the time to teach me the times tables and alphabet mailing me
to set up some lesson.

In all I am confident that if LoTC were to send the info to Rich there would
be some humble appologies from the accusers. I don't see why they should
because as has been stated, all this arose from a RUMOR in the Times. I
myself have posted some wierd rumors just for the hell of it and whoever
posted that particular one got the desired result obviously.

Please don't let this letter spark another G2 list senseless debate and take
it for what it opinion based on collected infomation.


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