Re: New NP bug

Christophe Desmecht (
Tue, 04 May 1999 17:35:43 +0200

Don't break your head over that bug...

Better make some noise about the fact that we're not getting
NP's back for decomposed or LtR-d dead nobles!!!!

Every lost noble means lost NP's!!!!!!!

People of Olympia, UNITE!


At 10:24 1/05/99 -0700, James Frediani wrote:
>Ouch. That's an _old_ bug reported long ago. Apparantly Survive Fatal
>Wound still counts as a NP when taking over nobles. I had thought this
>had changed, but apparantly not.
>As you know and your enemies know, would you mind listing the skills this
>noble knew upon capture? Also, what was his Fear rating? Maybe everything
>over 100 counts as an extra NP?
>Jim Frediani
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Larry Stanbery <>
>To: <>
>Date: Saturday, May 01, 1999 6:30 AM
>Subject: New NP bug
>>Greetings all -- I bring news of a _new_ NP bug.
>>Recently, a noble of the alliance to which I belong was captured by
>>The captured noble was fear-bound, and knew only standard, non-NP skills.
>>Now, the interesting part: We received a note from our enemies to the
>>that they terrorized him for 99 points, and he wouldn't pledge because the
>>faction in question lacked the requisite 3 NPs for the noble. Now, the
>>_should_ only have cost 1 NP. Seems that people face the loss of NPs
>>capture, as well as through nobles going rogue.
>>So, folks might want to start carefully counting their NPs and making sure
>>they've got what they'e supposed to have... and be cautious about capturing
>>others' nobles.
>>Larry Stanbery

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