Who runs the show in Musketeer land?

Wed, 3 Feb 1999 13:41:32 -0600 (CST)


It is with humorous intent that I tell everyone the spectacle of the
Rimmon leaders and their decided lack of intelligence. It seems a certain
noble known as Lord Foul decided to go on a raiding mission. He sank some
ships and razed some structures, all with the purpose to anger the local
rulers. Unfortunately, the local rulers were not the NLA as originally
thought -- they are the Krussos Federation. It seems the city and all
structures were taken over some turns ago by right of conquest.

Also unfortunate is the fact that the local rulers, again the
Krussos Federation and _not_ the non-existent NLA, wasn't taking sides in
the Musketeer wars. This makes one wonder: why are the Musketeers bringing
yet _another_ group into the war against them? They've attacked without
provokation twice now; wasn't once enough? Do they want to become martyrs
of foolishness?

As I understand it, the Musketeers have some momentum in losing castles.
They ran (Brave, Brave, Sir Robin) from Atala when faced with superior
forces there. Will they run from Krussos' superior forces unloading on
their northern beaches?

With amusement,

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