Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Rick Moore (
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 11:14:50 -0500

On 2 Feb 99, at 0:54, Rich Skrenta wrote:

> > > I also hope that any major bug fixes will be reported before being
> > > fixed. What I mean is like the movement bug.Some people thought it
> > > was in someones favor, but it was just a bug and you announced it's
> > > fixing 2 weeks in advance. Could that be done for every bug ?
> >
> > Yes, I will try to do that. What I've done in the past is
> > bracket the bug fix with a time delay, something like
> >
> > if (prior to turn NNN) {
> > old buggy behavior;
> > } else {
> > new fixed behavior;
> > }
> >
> > And then announce what turn the bug will be fixed on.
> I have fixed (I think) a number of the bugs which have been
> reported on this list. The fixes are meant to bring the
> operation of the program in line with the published rules.

For Survive Fatal Wounds, can you clarify the published rules?

The lore sheet states:
"Once the skill has been used, it is forgotten. To survive
a second fatal would, the noble would have to spend another
Noble Point and study for three weeks to learn 611 again."

The Skill listing & learning times table sez:
" 611 Survive fatal wound four weeks"

(Note: no "1 NP req'd" is indicated in this table)

So, is it 3 weeks to learn + 1 NP? Or 4 weeks to learn & no NP?
>From experience, so far it's been 4 weeks & no NP cost.



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