Oh the "Equine Posterior" of it all

Douglas DeLong (ddelong@eskimo.com)
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 18:08:58 -0800 (PST)

OR ---- "Those who deserve not respect often act like a Mad dog"

>From: DPo8227373@aol.com
> Maddog/He/She/They/It facts:
> 1: are not newbies. They've been around for over a year.
> 2: are not a seperate faction. (Just a couple of nobles acting
> as a front group, so their owner can cause trouble without
> paying [hopefully] the price of retaliation.
> 3: like to hang out in the hidden locations in/around Sweetwater.
> >>
>moron i started on turn 75

Ooo, a name, I've been called a name, how shall I ever live with the shame!!

HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA,HA,HA,HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA,HA,HA !!!!!!
HA !!!!!!

Please stop, my sides are hurting!!!


hhkkkmmm.... OK I'm alright now....

As for your claim of turn 75 start,.....let me double check...

The following (piece of) turn report (for turn 58) puts the lie to your claim...

It's from the publicly poster report of faction ce4. (since over written)
Turn 63 is also (still) available and "dumb bunny" (er,a, Mad dog ) shows
there too.

Harn [t75], port city, in province Forest [dm50], safe haven

0: Wildfire [c637] melts into the ground and vanishes.
1: Myrmeem Lhal [2830], with 25 peasants, exited Weather Vane [3831].
1: Harn [t75] bought two woven baskets [94] from Myrmeem Lhal [2830] for
1: 8 gold.
14: There are rumors that a thief is loose in the city.
15: Myrmeem Lhal [2830], with 25 peasants, entered Weather Vane [3831].


Seen here:
* Vyassa [k161], with three peasants, two soldiers, accompanied by:
* Raphael [q455], with 20 peasants
* Michael [n771]
White Wolff 1 [j520], with 25 peasants
Alexander [p225], accompanied by:
Ghengis Khan [g650]
Maddog [g308], with eight peasants, 23 workers
Elvis [n912], with 25 peasants
psycho [z486], with 25 peasants
Dude [k520], with 25 peasants
Alruhan [b422], with 20 peasants, five workers
Malicur Standish [h634], with 25 peasants
Bralon [f441], with 25 peasants
Otis [8276], with 25 peasants
Gremchild [4379], with 25 peasants
Hekwaw [5069], with 25 peasants
Wilderon [5354], with ten peasants
Wolf Caler [4803]
Blade [8689]
Lord Dracon [5427]
Lord Fil [3316]
Silk [4184], with seven peasants
Avner [5600]

>I belong to no one
>I've never hidden where I was who I was or what I was doing
>I post not rumor
>I fear nothing or no one
>and just as I thought enough of this crap I'll quit (though it has been fun
>despite having to read dribble like this from morons like yourself)

Oh no!!! That name again. Alas..., I swoon .... NOT!!!!

> I now have
>a new quest
>the demise of delong@eskimo.com
>I wonder how much trouble I can now cause for you
>I will ya know no matter how long it takes or how many times
>I might need to return from the dead to do it

Oh Joy !!!

Now I shall have to deal with a new pimple, one that needs to have its
head pinched off every so often.

And the puss filled wipper of other peoples bottom's who is Mad dog shall
do whatever I want as long as I make him "think" (assuming he can) that it
might upset me...

Boo hooo, woe is me.....

Hello in there Maddog, any brain cells at home? ...., get a clue!!!

No, that would be unfair to you, here let me help you. Check out my noble

Yell O'Streek [5553] stacked with Demonchild [2447]

He's on Provinia so you won't even have to travel far !!!

Good luck "Dumb Bunny" assuming you have the b@lls to do
anything at all.

Black Shadow Jihad

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