Re: Who am I?

Douglas DeLong (
Mon, 1 Feb 1999 14:12:49 -0800 (PST)

>people who are unable to detect my concealed noble as he sits in the middle of
>their city...shouldn't claim to have me well in hand
>you can't touch me or see me but you know who i am

Sure do. You're (Cough, he he,ha ) "Maddog"..(hee, he ha, ha,Ha
HA HA, HA HAHAHA!HA!HA!!!!HA!!!!!!!............

COUGH! Cough hmhmm.)


As for touching you, why should I want to dirty my hands?

Now go back and play with the other children, taunting grownups
will get your silly a@@ed face slapped clean off.

IL Ied
"Because We Say So Corp."

PS. For those who care...(few though they are).

Maddog/He/She/They/It facts:

1: are not newbies. They've been around for over a year.
2: are not a seperate faction. (Just a couple of nobles acting
as a front group, so their owner can cause trouble without
paying [hopefully] the price of retaliation.
3: like to hang out in the hidden locations in/around Sweetwater.

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