Khazhad-dum's Honor

Philip Lee (
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:08:22 -0800

<color><param>0100,0100,0100</param>Lord Codric,

I ha' received a missive from one of thy vassals, one </color>Artemis
Entreri, seeking to meddle in the affairs of mine Realm. I seek
redress, an the assurance that this outrage shall go no further. He
hath stated:

<FontFamily><param>Arial</param>Hail Lord Thorsson,

I heard some rumours of the re-appearance of members of the
Horselords and after a small investigation I noticed that you have a
tower named after the ruins in Greton. I think that you are aware
that the Horselords are still enemies of the Lords and it is my duty
to protect the Lords. My question to you is: Do you work together
with the Horselords ?? And a simple no is not an answer since I know
about the tower with the Horse Rampant in plain sight.

Since I'm still hunting down the Horselords and their allies I
sincerly hope that you are not one of their allies or I will see no
other option then to take active measures.

I do not want to treaten you, this is simply a warning.

Artemis Entreri

CIC Northern Elite Division

<FontFamily><param>Verdana</param> An he hath not shown thee, I hath responded thusly:

<FontFamily><param>Arial</param>Milord Artemis Entreri,

I am the ruler of this Realm. All that goes here be by my

command. The Horselords doth be vassals of mine Realm, and hath done

good work since the War be over. I honor their name, an will defend

such. Ye have NO business outside thy Liege's Realm, especial as the

War be long over, declared so by thy Liege.

"Since I'm still hunting down the Horselords and their allies I

sincerly hope that you are not one of their allies or I will see no

other option then to take active measures."

The Horselords do be neutral, an do not hunt thee. Conduct thy

hunt within thy lands, an if ye find one there, so be it. Stay away

from mine.

<FontFamily><param>Verdana</param> He addressed his missive to mine Marshall, the Eorl Thorsson. I
address thee as Ruler of this Realm. No Horselord hath raised hand to
thee or thine, nor have I since the War be over. At this time they be
breeders of beasts, an do quietly sell same in the markets of the
Tanstaafl League. They hath built Inns and other works within mine
Realm, an I do honor their work with a Tower bearing their name. Ye
ha' enough with war on two fronts, do ye really wish the whole
world's hand raised against thee? Thee hast defeated some in open
battle, an the results be not disputed. But to hunt to extinction be
a different matter entire.

Stay ye in your Realm, an I in mine.

Jarl Aekinskald
Lord of Khazhad-dum
House of Aekinskald

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