Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Scott Glasl (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 12:58:12 -0500

>It is not because we pay 2,50$ each week that we can
>judge if he is doing a good or a bad job.

What??? That's EXACTLY why we can judge if he's doing a
bad job or not. When you buy a car and it doesn't work,
do you say "Oh well, those manufacturers have a lot of
responsibility, I should just be happy with what they
gave me."? No! Paying customers have a right to judge
what they are paying for. The money involved may be less,
but the principle is the same.

Yes, Rich has put out a good game and run it consistently,
without interruption. But part of supporting a product
is RESPONDING to your customers. My only real complaint
against Rich is habitual silence in the face of customer


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