Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Basil A. Daoust (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 10:17:33 -0600

As gaming goes, IMHO we are getting wonderful value and a great game.
If Rich doesn't have time to fix bugs or even achnoledge we are alive
that is fine by me. As long as the game keeps running turns on time
everything else if an also ran.

We as the consumer have the ultimate say. If everyone quit playing
because of the bugs then I suppose Rich would fix all the problems in
the game before starting another. But basically as I understand it Rich
does not like changing running games.

Maybe he is just fed up with running this game completely?

Basil wrote:
> In a message dated 1/27/99 5:48:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Is this entire story going to start again ??
> > I think Rich is doing a great job running the
> > turns and since he is the GM, he will decide when
> > a bug should be fixed and when it is not nessecary
> > or too difficult to fix a bug.
> >
> > So please let him do his work instead of always
> > complaining.
> Dragonlord,
> you're missing the entire point. I would love to "let him do his work" but
> he's not. You are absolutely correct that only Rich can determine what a bug
> is a bug and when it should be fixed (I said so much in my previous email) but
> when he makes the determination he needs to inform us. Right now most bug
> reports are not even acknowledged by the GM so we players continue to grope
> through the game not knowing if we're "abusing" a bug or utilizing a feature
> and never knowing when or if the bug/feature will be fixed and yanked out from
> under us.
> I can't begin to imagine how complicated it is to write the code and run such
> a game. It must be a daunting task and I recognize that Rich must be busy.
> But, as we players are required by the rules to report possible bugs, I think
> it should be required for the GM to acknowledge such reports and keep the
> players updated on the repair. A simple 1 paragraph "note from the GM" at the
> top of the Oly Times each week would do the trick.
> Eric Nelson

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