Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Tom Schmidt (
Thu, 28 Jan 1999 00:34:00 +0100

Dragon Lord schrieb:
> Is this entire story going to start again ??
> I think Rich is doing a great job running the
> turns and since he is the GM, he will decide when
> a bug should be fixed and when it is not nessecary
> or too difficult to fix a bug.

He does a good job in running the turns. And I do thank him for that.

> So please let him do his work instead of always
> complaining.
> My thought is that if you don't like then quit or
> start your own PBM if you think you can do it better

You get one thing totally wrong here: Rich is selling his product to us,
and we are his customers.
I've heard no one complaining, that he could do it better.

An analogy comes to my mind (and I'm gonna get crucified for this):

Microsoft produces and sells OS's. They do their job. Still they get
blamed for not fixing the bugs in their products.
No one tells those who complain: "Why don't you write your own OS".

Bye, Tom

> Dragonlord
> PS: my thanks to Rich for this great game and all the fun
> that I have had in the last year and a half

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