Re: Drum collections

Douglas DeLong (
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 10:13:10 -0800 (PST)

Glad to be of service. And thank you for the note, It really made my

I'm glad that I could increase the enjoyment anyone receives from
the game which brings me so much pleasure.

Doug DeLong


Is this Phoenix [x035] one of yours? If so he shouldn't travel alone,
it's dangerous. You never know when you might run into a concealed
spy, with 50 hungry rat spiders.
If not (unless you gave permission) the seems to be poaching your
wild herds, and you might need to speak sternly to him.

((( From turn 100 )))

Plain [dw69], plain, in Camaris, civ-2

14: Phoenix [x035], with 16 wild horses, eight riding horses, arrived from
14: the west.
22: Phoenix [x035] caught five wild horses.
23: Phoenix [x035], with 21 wild horses, eight riding horses, went east.

Province controlled by Camelot [2276], castle, in Mountain [dz64]
Ruled by Oleg the Loudmouth [9079], king

Routes leaving Plain:
North, to Forest [dv69], impassable
A magical barrier prevents entry.
East, to Mountain [dw70], 10 days
South, to Mountain [dx69], 10 days
West, to Plain [dw68], 7 days

Inner locations:
Rocky hill [w535], rocky hill, 1 day

Seen here:
Garrison [3001], garrison, on guard, with 30 workers

> > >I heard it was Oleg, but the savage's big brother came and took them
> > >back.
> >
> > Why would Oleg's big brother want drums?
> Ha, ha. The thing you don't know is that my brother plays the game,
> and I like insulting him. So I would like to thank you for making my
> job a little easier.
> -- King Oleg

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