LotC's load of bull

Todd Nielsen (glipster@utah-inter.net)
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 17:47:30 -0800

Well gee, maybe my memory fails me, but didn't Codric promise/threaten that
his son would rule all? The LotC seem to love to put themselves in a
position of "defending" themselves. So go spout your accusations elsewhere.
Nobody is buying your garbage anymore.

Todd Nielsen

>The announced intent of Sir Codric is to conquer Provinia. We defy his
>and see no reason to delay fighting until it is convenient for him.

You are the one expanding, the conqueror, the backstabber.
You stand for false values, lies and corruption.
You were the one who violated our borders.
You took the opportunity to attack us while we were fighting for
our believes in the south against PLATO, for a free Provinia.
You told us you would do the same and take action against PLATO
and you didn't. Some people would call you a coward,
I call you naive and selfish.

>Lord Maltar
>Rimmon Musketeers

You think very low of yourself and any other Provinian.
First of all, you attacked us, as did IC and Harn and PLATO.
You all made it possible for LotC to grow so fast, we learned
what was strictly neccessary to survive. We 've always lived under
pressure and now you want us to take the blame for ... yes for what ?
Second, I think it's impossible for 1 alliance to hold Provinia
and it has never come to cross my mind (maybe it has in other
LotC-members, but I think nobody considers that an option).
I wanted only a little place for myself. I've only quested
once since I joined 65 turns ago. I don't know every skill in the book.
Guys like you made some of our members' lives a nightmare.
But together we stood, as friends, as comrads, as one.
I know you're angry because of the bad weather, but you're not the
first to find what you most relied upon to be gone. It's only a minor
set back, it's trust and friendship that keeps an alliance together.
And sometimes you have to make compromises.

Taern Hornblade,
First Knight of Silverymoon

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