Playing styls (was Re: SFW Bug)
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 14:56:34 EST

> >>How can someone's real life beliefs affect the strategy they use in a
> game?
> >
> >Interesting question, are you saying that you would apply different
> >strategies in either world to be succesfull?
> Either world??? One is a world, the other is a game. Of course I apply
> different strategies.

If I may interject
I think what Mr. Beerepoot was suggesting was that most people tend to
naturally extend their personalities and problem solving techniques from real
life to Olympia (or any other game).

I for one, in real life, am overly talkative and somewhat egocentric. I like
to have things my own way, but I don't do it heavy-handedly nor do I attempt
to overtly bend somebody to my will. I like to be in control, but, I don't
want to "officially" be in control or else I have no plausable deniability if
things go wrong. I try to get everybody to agree to my suggestion without
every actually stating it.

Now, there's a possibility that some of those real-life traits bleed through
into Olympia and the way I conduct myself within it. [the head of every TIB
member just nodded in unison] and others my suggest that I tend to further
extend these traits into my dealings with others [suddenly members of Plato,
Eagle, House of Lords, Bandits, Jackal, Northern Lights, Musketeers, Lords of
the Crown, Harn, Bane, South Tollus and many others start nodding with the TIB

I think that everybody in the game has a little bit of their real-life self in
their Olympia persona. But just because our problem solving techniques are
similar to our real life ones doesn't mean that all of our actions or goals
are so closely related. I can assure you in real life I have never served as
Minister of Foreign affairs for the best damn alliance in all the whole
world!! [TIB members rise to their feet in thunderous applause, other
members sit in disgust, several Plato members unsheath their swords and
approach the podium]

BTW - before Oleg writes another post to the list demanding an apology to
Plato members for a perceived insult....Plato members, I apologise. I hope
that some of you understood the humor that was intended, although I know one
of you does not.

(both the Seehawk and not the Seehawk)

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