Re: Survive Fatal Wound Bug Repot

Basil A. Daoust (
Mon, 21 Dec 1998 13:29:30 -0600

Its not the only one, and yes each one has been reported (that we know
But with the way bug fixes go in, it is a dangerous tactic to use a
learned skill. For I see no reason why Scott could not fix it any turn.

You can get by with even less than 2 days of knowledge in these special


"Rodgers, Robert" wrote:
> Someone sent me this:
> >study 611 1 will save him and cost only 1 fast study day. 611 works
> when only
> >partially learned; our minimum test to date is 2/28 days, it worked.
> Is this true, do others have confirmation? If so, has it been reported?
> This is the first time I've ever seen this on the list.
> If this is confirmed, then it should be fixed immediately. It would be
> easy to take advantage of this. For example, a large alliance could
> save years of noble time by using fast study to get to 1/28 of the
> skill. I sure hope if anyone figured this out they reported it.
> Rob

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