RE: Drum collections

Douglas DeLong (
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 11:44:11 -0800 (PST)

>> knocked off eleven groups this month, bringing our drum collection into
>> the seventies
>I've had 90. Ok who has the biggest drum collection in Olympia??
>I heard it was Oleg but the savages big brother came and took them
>I have 90 drums. Any rise on 90 drums??

Base not your pride on numbers, for ye shall surely trip apon it.


I've got 100 and thats just counting 2 provinces.

And it wouldn't surprise me at all, if someone had more. (Actually, I do!)


>I heard it was Oleg, but the savage's big brother came and took them

Why would Oleg's big brother want drums?

Doug D.

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