Re: Drum collections

Garrett Ramon Love (
Fri, 11 Dec 1998 10:55:59 -0500 (EST)

> I've had 90. Ok who has the biggest drum collection in Olympia??
> I heard it was Oleg but the savages big brother came and took them
> back.
> I have 90 drums. Any rise on 90 drums??
Allright, I'll bite...

129 drums and counting - oh the joys of a castle in the wilderness!

- Garrett/Grey Kestrel

<>___. / / Garrett Love
/ / -/-/- 3525 Mossdale Ave
_/___/__. __ __ _ / / Durham, NC, 27707-3813
_/\__/ <_|_/ <_/ <_</_/_/_/ (919) 489-1256
To everything there is a season
And a time for every purpose
Under heaven
A Psalmic lyric by
The Byrds (Turn, Turn, Turn)

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