Regrettable Rhetoric

Conrad Chu (
Fri, 4 Dec 1998 19:41:35 -0800 (PST)

As Speaker for the Eastern Krussos Factions, I address the recent
message by Hugh O'Neil over the death of Bla'thnait [4822]

The attitude and inaccuracies of his message cannot go unchallenged.

1. We did challenge the trespassing noble. (I am certain of this now
despite my earlier message.)
2. Hugh should not be surprised that an unannounced noble travelling
through someone else's territory would be treated as hostile after
failing to contact the controller of those lands.
3. As Chetham left the agreement between him and Amazon-Celts was
still in effect. Effectively transferred to me as I now speak for the
territory in question. That was made clear before Chetham departed.

Tolerance of trespassers was made clear in my previous posting. There
is another trespasser who is also taking resources without permission.
This thief, one Patrick O'Neil [7080], has for three turns now been
harvesting yew without so much as a by-your-leave. This in an area
quite removed from that of Hugh's. Perhaps Hugh's nobles are having
trouble remembering which provinces are on their side of the border?
Clearly the province is controlled by someone else.

Forest [bn73], forest, in Krussos, wilderness
0: Garrison [4561], garrison, with ten peasants guards Forest [bn73].
1: Patrick O'Neil [7080] cut five yew.

For three turns now he has been taking yew. He has not answered any
diplomatic challenges. We suspect that the thief is one of our
neighbors so we did not act immediately, but the rhetoric Hugh has
written now requires this message and the following warning in
general. Unknown or unacknowledged nobles entering Eastern Krussos
territory with or without challenge may be killed for trespassing and
especially for resource pilfering.

Any contact with Eastern Krussos is directed to me,
Speaker for Eastern Krussos Factions
Stone Crown [en6]

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