Re: Regrettable Donations
Thu, 3 Dec 1998 09:55:55 EST

In a message dated 12/3/98 2:45:50 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> > PS: Take it from someone who has more notches on his pickaxe than on his
> > sword... Razing is fun! :)
> > PLATO knows it, and now Rimmon should too...
> Stop with the teasing and publish the battle reports!!
> Or at least give us geo-political types a little run down on what's
> happening on Camaris.
> Where is CNN when you need them?
> Mordekai

More info! More info!

If anybody cared about our little skirmish with Lord Bane, I'd certainly kiss
and tell :-)

Eric the Seehawk

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