Re: Terrorize noble

James Frediani (
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 23:40:11 -0700

There is apparantly a bug...or it could be a "feature" [ie: intended by
the GM to work that way].

If you have survive fatal wound, you terrorize 99 and you become Fear-99.
I don't know at what rate Fear deterriorates. Maybe 1 per turn? 2?
Perhaps someone with some experience with this can give you a more concise

The "advantage" of Fear seems to be that it does not use gold, and it
lasts longer before renewal.

The disadvantages are:

1. Easier to bribe away from you by other factions.

2. If you do not have Survive Fatal Wound, well, any Terrorize has
a chance to damage your noble. Even make him ill. The stronger
the terrorize "arguement" is, the greater the risk of damage, or

Without knowing the deterioration rate, I cannot comment any further.

Jim Frediani

-----Original Message-----
From: rykk adams <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, October 11, 1998 10:28 PM
Subject: Terrorize noble

>On several of the newbie help pages It suggests using
>terrorize noble instead of oathing all of them.
>So what level would be best? 20 or some very high number?
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