Re: Cloning

Russ Boggs (
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 17:51:09 -0800

If you guys have a problem with this, I'll switch it back to only receiving
the turns at the UCSD account (and then try to remember to *religiously*
forward the turn results to Bernie and Walt.)

I understand your concern, but in this case it's groundless. The turns are
written, sent, and paid-for by yours truly.

--Russ Boggs

>>On 11-Sep-98, Wayne Sheppard wrote:
>>>I'm not sure what is going on here, I didn't know you could assign two
>>>addresses to the same account. Both accounts have the bernie address.
>>> bh9 IRS
>>> Russell Boggs
>>> dv7 Retief's Rogues
>>> Chip Charnley <,>
>>Wayne - I have always had account with ISPs that allow 2 email
>>addresses on the same account - 1 for me and 1 for my g.friend
>I'm refering to the g2 olympia account, not your isp account. Russell has
>three addresses listed for his faction. Chip has two addresses listed for
>his faction. I didn't realize that you could set up your g2 account this
>The accounts I listed earlier had the same address. If it is one person
>playing both accounts, then they are really stupid cheaters. It is very easy
>to get a second email address. The harder part is paying for it.
>Probably these accounts are played by different people, and for some reason,
>they have the same email. It doesn't really matter why they have the same
>email, the rules clearly forbid it. It's Rich's game and it is his job to
>enforce his rules if he wants to. I'm just pointing out the violation of
>the rules.

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