Re: Cloning

Wayne Sheppard (
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 22:56:49 -0400

>On 11-Sep-98, Wayne Sheppard wrote:
>>I'm not sure what is going on here, I didn't know you could assign two
>>addresses to the same account. Both accounts have the bernie address.
>> bh9 IRS
>> Russell Boggs
>> dv7 Retief's Rogues
>> Chip Charnley <,>
>Wayne - I have always had account with ISPs that allow 2 email
>addresses on the same account - 1 for me and 1 for my g.friend

I'm refering to the g2 olympia account, not your isp account. Russell has
three addresses listed for his faction. Chip has two addresses listed for
his faction. I didn't realize that you could set up your g2 account this

The accounts I listed earlier had the same address. If it is one person
playing both accounts, then they are really stupid cheaters. It is very easy
to get a second email address. The harder part is paying for it.

Probably these accounts are played by different people, and for some reason,
they have the same email. It doesn't really matter why they have the same
email, the rules clearly forbid it. It's Rich's game and it is his job to
enforce his rules if he wants to. I'm just pointing out the violation of
the rules.


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