Re: Hotmail

Alf Melin (
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 06:41:06 PDT


> Maybe people are using hotmail so their work email doesn't get

"I think there may be other reasons..... I think it's alway interesting
that the number of hotmail accounts always takes a jump when a war
breaks out."

Just to add a Hotmailers view on this discussion - the company I work
for has a "business use only" policy which makes Hotmail my only
convenient way of handling Olympia correspondence and turns. Also, since
I receive a large number of business emails every day, it is of some
value to use a separate account for personal mail (in the interest of
priorities and easy organisation).

Additionally, Hotmail is the most convenient option for me when I need
to access mail from an Internet cafe or such, something which is a
necessity when I travel (I live and work in Scotland, but family,
girlfriend etc are back in my home country Sweden).

Barring Hotmail users (or other free mail services) _might_ counter some
problems but will definitely also cause certain players (who are not
running several factions, sending spam etc) to drop the game - myself


Alf Melin
aka Mithrai Firetongue

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