Re: Fwd: Young Fresh Teens

Clifford Lynch (
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 13:20:24 +0100


Rich this is something you must address immediately!!

I use my work email for olympia, and it is tolerated by sys admim.
But with this kind of mail being sent to my work, I am
not in a position to defend my olympia mail as recreational.

I do not know what kind of measures you can do to prevent this, but
something needs to be done.


> Fellow Olympians
> Can someone enlighted me and pray tell me why I keep receiving this
> dribble from the g2-list.
> Garren Ravensblood
> The Ravensblood Clan
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > <A HREF="">Click
> here for hot wet nasty PHONE SEX!!</a>
> >
> >
> >
> >
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