Re: Spell timing question

Greg Lindahl (
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 23:18:34 -0400 (EDT)

> If I cast on day 1, and my target issues a move command on day 6, will he
> still be considered in the province when the spell goes off on day 7?

Yes, if his move hasn't completed yet. This is exactly the same as
attacking someone who's moving. The check will be made on day 7.

> If I cast the barrier on day 1, and he moves on day 9, will he still be
> considered to be in the province, and trapped, when my barrier goes up on
> day 10?

No, this check is only made when movement starts, so he will not be
affected. The Lords of the Crown experienced this in Orianna, I think.

-- greg

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