RE: Re : Nya......

Russell Penney (
Fri, 26 Jun 1998 23:26:40 +1000

Bruce knew the risks and goes to his death willingly cursing the names of
all Lords oath-breakers and panty waists. Run and hide under your mother's

As for the slur on House Carnelian, as the new head of the House let me just
remind you of something, The Red God looks after his own. Start running now.
Cloudlands, Hades, where ever you hide you will be found. Maybe not this
year or the next but you will burn and your screaming will haunt the dreams
of your allies for the rest of their pitiful lives. The Red God hungers.

Let me just make this very clear, House Carnelian will not stand for slurs
on its honour. Jheremai was a wise and just man who believed all men are
honourable and forgave his enemies. I however do not. His shade advises me
and tempers my sometimes hasty actions in all matters bar ones of honour.

I have talked to some honourable Lords and I would share an ale with them
when the war is over. You, Tarl, bray like a donkey and will be treated as
such. Your beastmaster will be sorely missed, who now will feed you carrots
and put you in your stall at night?

House Carnelian

The Red God smiles on his chosen.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On Behalf Of
> M.M. Baenre
> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 1998 5:26 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re : Nya......
> Dear Snow,
> I was glad to be of assistance.
> Let me say that I'll kill him personally, for slaughtering my
> beastmaster Dove Falconhand.
> Black Bruce will be put out of his misery (12 turns and we'll have
> a Black Bruce II)
> To bad that House Carnelian speaks on behalf of fools and liars like
> Stuart Lagavulin. He knows how to choose his enemies, I hope he'll
> learn to pick his friends.
> Tarl Desenea
> (pissed off and a little too busy monitoring PLATO)
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