Thu, 25 Jun 1998 14:49:13 +0000

Dear Tarl, I thought we had agreed to keep this discussion
on a honourable level, but I cannot let this pass without commenting

>I was glad to be of assistance.
>Let me say that I'll kill him personally, for slaughtering my
>beastmaster Dove Falconhand.
>Black Bruce will be put out of his misery (12 turns and we'll have
>a Black Bruce II)

It was my faction who fought your precious Dove, not Bruce's.

>To bad that House Carnelian speaks on behalf of fools and liars like
>Stuart Lagavulin. He knows how to choose his enemies, I hope he'll
>learn to pick his friends.

Will not lower myself to your level of communication, but is fighting a
losing battle against an urge to reveal to you who most people in Provinia
know to be a fool and liar.

>(pissed off and a little too busy monitoring PLATO)

One who apparently knows how to pick his enemies.

Never to busy to have a public quarrel
Stuart Lagavulin
for UDB

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