Jheremai's last will & testament

Andrew Penney (apenney@lpr.com.au)
Sun, 21 Jun 1998 23:22:39 +1000

People of Olympia

Lord Jheremai was killed in hand to hand combat with his arch-foe Sir
Codric this month in the woods outside Greton.

The Red God has smiled on his honourable death and his honourable

According to his will the following decrees are to be executed.

1) The title Prince of Dragonsbane goes to Wacah Chan Most High
Ahoub of Xibalba along with all the obligations and duties attendant
with it.

2) The title Captain of the Red Archers is bestowed on Kerek Rakanir

3) The fief of Bobantium is vested in Lord Raphael of the Iron Hills
in return for him providing rest and assistance in times of
need for the Red Archers for all the days of his rule and his chosen

4) The Head of House Carnelian is by right of succession now
Jheremai's half brother Borag Calfor. All aliegances previously owed
to Jheremai as head of House Carnelian now are due to him. He is
also by this right a duke of the Bobantine Empire and is to be
allocated the fief of Sudshire. According to the Decrees of Khamath
the House Carnelian is a Horselords clan by acclaim and Borag has
the responsibilities of the Clan master.

5) The Red Archers confirm their contracts with the Bobantine Empire.

6) Aliestair Tanstagi is appointed as Grand Vizier of the Bobantine


High Priest of the Red God

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