Re : Battle Report
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 09:20:04 +0000

I am sorry to have been party to disturbing you. I thought it might be
interesting for new players
who are struggling to see an end to the endless studying and claypot
making. As
for using web-sites, I am afraid it is beyond my current capacity. This
list offers the
best public relations forum, besides the Times which I find rather slow.
There are some other
sites one migth use, but they appear to report the war as if we were losing
it (we're not) or
we are the bad guys (we're not).

I can assure you that there are no personal conflicts in our discussions
and as far as
I know, there has been little or no namecalling between the factions
involved in the

While I am at it, can the site-owners put a post here to notify us when
their sites are
updated? Saves a lot of time and effort.

Stuart Lagavulin
At War (try it, it is very refreshing)

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