Re: Ressurect

James Frediani (
Sun, 7 Jun 1998 13:16:41 -0700

Well, it would seem that I have to spell things out a bit further, as it
appears some one missed my point. Unfortunately, my allies have asked that
I limit the details so...

In case no one else has noticed, and frankly, from what I've read, I had
thought that _everyone_ had noticed, things have been seen to change in
this game _without_ notice from Rich. Where he is fixing a "bug", he has
reported the changes. But in other instances, things have changed with
no announcement. I have _assumed_ that these changes were the result of
him "tweaking" [tightening up] the code. Some of them, of course, could
be the result of a "fix" that adjusted something else unforseen.

My statement was meant to say that I HOPED this was an intentional "tweak"
by Rich, having _long_ ago_ read the Lore Sheet. If not, anyone wanting my
priest to use 752 for one of their nobles will have to pay dearly for it.

The only question much is a NP worth? :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Lindahl <>
To: James Frediani <>
Cc: <>
Date: Sunday, June 07, 1998 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: Ressurect

>> I hope that this is not a bug, as far as gold instead of NP. To
>> require the Priest to lose the NP to recover the noble for another is
>> a bit stiff. If it is changed to gold, though, it should be fixed so
>> that it fails if insufficiant funds are available.
>You could always try reading the rules before you play the game.
>Resurrect dead noble [752]
>Usage: USE 752
>Time: ten days
>Resurrect dead noble [752] must be performed by a priest
>in a temple. The priest must be holding the body of the
>dead noble. There is a 50% chance of success for each
>If successful, the priest will be charged 1 NP for the
>resurrection. The character will be restored to full
>health in the priest's location, and be under the
>command of the original owner.
>The defense rating of the resurrected noble will be
>lowered by 25 points. If the noble would have a new
>defense rating lower than 1, resurrection is not

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