(no subject)

Michael W. Cofran (Thunder@napanet.net)
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 22:29:36 -0700

> Having a noble die is penalty enough. Unless you can get the body you
> to wait 12 turns just to get the NP back. Then you have to spend all
> time money to retrain him. If a noble knew 6 skills (20 weeks total)
> another 10 turns to train him back up. In real time, that comes to 5
> to replace a dead noble. The penalty is enough.

My point is that the penalty fits. Your noble was killed, and here we are
talking about how this noble should somehow 'come back to life' and
compensate you for thier training. You invested in thier training and you
got this noble killed. You played the odds, took the risk, and lost. Now
you want a magical reset button?

I'm not argueing (sp?) the rules, I'm argueing the concept behind the
rules. I play this game to escape, to role-play, not to turn the whole
damn thing into a freakin' database algorithim. The rules were written to
best represent a programmers vision for the game. There are always going
to be obvious 'loopholes' or 'bugs' that weren't intended. These happen
due to the limitations of the program, or more frequently, the programmer.

So here we are, discussing one such 'bug'. It contradicts the rules, so it
therefore should be changed immediately. My arguement is that this
particular 'bug' fits. It works to provide more realism into this game
than if it worked the way it was originally intended. I'm quite aware that
most of you (hell, probably all of you <g>) would prefer it to reflect what
is written in the rules. I personally think that the rules should be
revised to include this particular piece of realism rather than changing
the code.

Just a bit more than your regular two cents...


PS - I hope I don't come across as hostile or insulting to anyone, its just
my style of writing. <g>

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