Jheremai's honour

Andrew Penney (apenney@lpr.com.au)
Wed, 13 May 1998 09:49:43 +1000

People of Olympia

I must respond to Sir Codric's allegation.

Firstly I must point out that Sir Codric has not contacted me at all
to talk about the noble situation.

I will not bother going over the old who said what arguements in the
Harn/Lords conflict.

> ------------------------------------------------
> It was hoped that the war could be fought with honour. In our march,
> we captured several nobles and with no policy for war prisoners we held
> them. Jheremai contacted us and asked for leniency.
> These are my brother's nobles, my kin, he claimed. If you release these
> nobles, Dragonsbane would be kept out and he said he would attempt to
> keep bobantine out.

Yes I approached Lady Eowyn with this plea as the two nobles involved
are not full members of the Empire and were doing me a favor by
transporting the troops. They knew the risks but I thought I would
try to intervene.

I offered to remove the Principality of Dragonsbane from the
conflict. I was bequeathed Dragonsbane by Garen before he dropped. I
announced in the Times that I was taking over the Dragonsbane lands
and Grey Kestrel knows that as he was part of a Muskateer force that
tried to occupy the Chateau after seeing Garen melt. Dragonsbane is
still a seperate realm from the other realms of the Confederacy.

> With pity and this agreement, we released the prisoners of war and
> sent them off with a horse. To prevent one from dying, we even
> teleported a healing potion.
> Of course, this was a set-up. Jheremia was scheming. As the nobles were
> leaving for safe land, Jheremia moved his troops in to kill Sir
> Codric. The same day, the besieged Khamath moved out to do the same.

I agreed to try and get the Bobantine Empire out of the conflict but
Sir Codric's deal was for an immediate cessation of hostilities and
all Bobantine noble to be out of the disputed territories in one
turn. I responded that this was unacceptable.

He also put a deadline of Monday for messages confirming the
agreement to be sent to Noire/Khamath/IC and all CC'ed to Sir Codric
and Lady Eowyn. I did not send any of these messages as I was not in
agreement with the terms of the deal.

On Monday night (actual time gets tricky cos I'm on the far side of
the world) I sent the following message

>Sir Codric
>As you haven't got back to me and I don;t want there to be any
>confusion, I am assuming the deal is off. Pity about Borag but
>casualities of war and all that.

So I did not feel we had a deal so I felt perfectly entitled to move
into Greton to support Khamath.

I do not want to get into a slanging match and my post to the Times
covers my gratitude to Sir Codric. If his generousity was accidental
I will take it in its best light.

> In conclusion, Jheremia used our honour against us. He broke an
> agreement that we kept. We went above and beyond by teleporting a
> healing potion, yet his troops continued to march.
> This betrayal has caused us to re-think our position on prisoners of
> war. Betrayed, we will exact our revenge: All prisoners currently held
> will be executed.
> If any other parties wish to discuss prisoners of war, please contact
> us. We'll keep our side of the agreement if you do.

The Dwarves of Delzoun asked me about this deal and I responded as I
have above. No one from the Lords has contacted me in response.

Lords Diplomacy at its finest again.

Prince Jheremai Dragonsbane
Vizier of the Bobantine Empire

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