Re: War at sea!

milan1 (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 16:46:02 -0500

I can too spell boat you Navy squid scum you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hendrickson <>
To: Tim Whalen <>; WALTER NEILL
Cc: <>
Date: Friday, November 14, 1997 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: War at sea!

>At 10:41 -0800 11/14/1997, Tim Whalen wrote:
>>The problem I always had with naval warfare was this. How do I attack
>>someone from within my own ship? I never had a need to figure this one
>>out but isn't this impossible to do with the sighting rules? I would
>>have to move out of my ship in order to attack the other ship, and to
>>do so at sea I'd have to be able to fly. And if my attacking stack can
>>fly, why do I need a boat? Similarly, it seems to be impossible to
>>an attack from within a structure on folks outside that structure.
>My understanding, based not on experience to be sure, but nonetheless... is
>that boat attacks are different from all other structures, insofar as the
>captain is able to "see" outside the structure, unlike a castle, for
>>> Also, do pirates (wouldn't marines be a better name, BTW?)
>>> at full strength on islands?
>>Marines can't sail a boat though can they?
>Most certainly not. They're lucky if they can spell it.
>>From the desk of:
>Mark Hendrickson
>Ensign, USN
>VAW 120
>NAS, Norfolk, VA
>To respond successfully to this email address you must use all lower case.

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