Re: War at sea!

Mark Hendrickson (
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 13:23:33 -0600

At 10:41 -0800 11/14/1997, Tim Whalen wrote:
>The problem I always had with naval warfare was this. How do I attack
>someone from within my own ship? I never had a need to figure this one
>out but isn't this impossible to do with the sighting rules? I would
>have to move out of my ship in order to attack the other ship, and to
>do so at sea I'd have to be able to fly. And if my attacking stack can
>fly, why do I need a boat? Similarly, it seems to be impossible to
>an attack from within a structure on folks outside that structure.

My understanding, based not on experience to be sure, but nonetheless... is
that boat attacks are different from all other structures, insofar as the
captain is able to "see" outside the structure, unlike a castle, for

>> Also, do pirates (wouldn't marines be a better name, BTW?) operate
>> at full strength on islands?
>Marines can't sail a boat though can they?

Most certainly not. They're lucky if they can spell it.


>From the desk of:

Mark Hendrickson
Ensign, USN
VAW 120
NAS, Norfolk, VA

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