How to Steal a Castle

Wallace (
14 Nov 1997 09:06:45 +0000

And now for those of you who are wondering how to steal you nieghbours
castle with minimum force try the following

1.Get yourself a thief ,get him to learn conceal self this will make
him invisiable to all intense and puposes

2.Scry your target to find out enemies strength

3.Move theif to castle location

4.Move your army to menace your target make sure it is small enough to
be a inviting target

5.Then and this is the tricky bit order your noble to give army to

6.Order Thief to move into castle.

7.One of two things will occur either your thief will be refused
admission and you'll have to go away and come back later and try again
or you oppenant having seen your army is much smaller than his own
will attack rush out of castle and fight your noble, poor sod,
meanwhile thief enters empty castle.

This all happens because attack order is a prioty 3 and time 1
Whilst Give is a Prioty 1 and time 0

The only tricky part is timing your move into castle

This was brought to my attention by a friend who has been using this
tactic fo ra certain group of people wheels within wheels again.

for some of you this will not be new but for others it will be

good luck and happy hunting.

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