Re: A00

Wallace (
14 Nov 1997 08:22:02 +0000

In <>, Bron Nelson wrote:
>Mike Moore writes:
>> > What is this A00 everyone is raving about???
>> > Cliff
>> They were a group of beta-testers who knew the game so well theat they were
>> able to dominate the first game completely.
>This is a bit inaccurate. Most AOO members were NOT beta testers.
>Take myself for example. Or more to the point, the Dread Duke Marat.
>Yes, it is certainly true that some people were in the beta test,
>but there were plenty of other people in G1 who were also beta-testers.
>I certainly did not benifit from someone else's experiance; there
>was no "list of tips and tricks" circulated or anything like that.
>> Furthermore they didn't just use
>> the rules but they did some really underhanded things like attacking only
>> newbies so that they could take over their nobles (possible without np's back
>> then).
>This charge got leveled at the AOO time and time again, but it is
>virtually groundless. Two things that certainly DID happen: at the
>very begining of the game (when we were *all* newbies), a couple of
>factions (notably Bastrestric ther Archymonaged) engaged in more-or-less
>random attacks in the area around the IC. This pretty much stopped
>when Bastrestric was killed (and why didn't anybody ever LR him? Did
>nobody other than us have a working priest at that time?). The other
>thing that certainly happened is that The Sheriff set up shop just
>east of the IC. *Every turn* he published a notice in the Times telling
>people to stay away from a specifically stated set of provinces unless
>they warned him in advance, and *almost* every turn someone clueless would
>wander over into the provinces without warning anyway, and of course
>they would get whacked.
>And yes of course there were the full scale wars: the trouble Steve
>Chapin managed to single-handedly stir up with the Iron Nation; barely
>surviving the subsequent attack on Mt. Oly; followed by the West Provinia
>campaign. The wars on Tollus, Rimmon, West Provinia (hats off to the
>Gauls), West Camaris, the 3 major assults into Faery, dozens of smaller
>skirmishes all over the place. However, I don't think any of these can
>be classified as "newbies".
>> As a result most G1 players have carried their hatred and derision of
>> AOO players over into G2 and would kill them given half a chance.
>This is simply absurd. Most players couldn't give a rat's ass. I'm
>sure there is a healthy minority who share the above view, but G2 is a
>different time and a different place, and it seems that the NP restrictions
>will serve to prevent a repeat of G1.
Funny how there seems to be a lot of players in game 2 who were in
game 1 saying AOO are B'stards and don't deserve to live and providing
loads of good examples for their deaths and on the other hand there
are 1 or 2 people in g2 who again were in g1 who say that the AOO were
just mis-understood and were not really bad. hmm I wonder who these
people really are?

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