Re: newbies Yuck!

Ken Scott (
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 13:41:00 -0600

I'll throw my 2g in here. I play Olympia as a war game. As I see it,
given enough time, you can map the entire world. You can amass more gold
than you can spend, and learn all the skills possible. The only thing left
is to put all those assets to use in killing another faction. I see
mapping the world and amassing the gold as "beating the game." The real
fun for me is beating another player.

..."from Eric Nelson"
>xxxxxxxxxx One dimensional war games are easy to come by. A multi-leveled
>game such as Olympia is not so readily available. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

It is precicly this multi-level action I like. I like having to budget my
money to my soldiers. I like the fact that I have to use my soldiers to
protect my revenue producing lands. But I see the only real use for my
gold is more soldiers.

In the end, the top level of the game, at least for me, is war. If you
don't treat this as a war game, that's fine with me. It's that much easier
to take your land. :)

Ken Scott

Student Support Coordinator
Academic Computing and Technology Services
Murray State University
Murray, KY

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