RE: newbies Yuck!

Rodgers, Robert (
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 08:19:13 -0800

>As none of this effects my postion and wasn't in the first game so
>don't know what the fuss is all about I am therefore open to offers
>from both sides to convince me and my associates who we should listen

You'll get no offers from Ming. ;)

Since turn 33, the amount of fun I'm having in Olympia has increased
geometrically. I now just can't wait for Tuesday afternoon. And it
seems the level of interest in what is happening in the game as measured
by articles in the Times and posts in this list has also skyrocketed.
Both of these occurences make me happy, and have totally swept away the
initial misgivings I had about going to war.

It seemed for awhile that this game was going to turn into a tedious
morass of trading and land development, punctuated by the occasional
savage attack. Well now, thanks to we PLATOnians, that is no longer a
possibility. Instead of railing about how nasty we are you all ought to
be thanking us.

So, as far as I'm concerned, and I speak for myself alone here, no
apologies. The New Empire deserved what they got, but even if they
didn't so what. For once and for all, this is a wargame, and it's best
played as one. So should you all be worried that Ming might be coming
after you next? Hell yes, you ought to be worried, just as I'm worried
that one of you may have the guts to come after me. Bring it on, and
see if you can knock me off.

But if you do, remember that Ming, Goran, Cernennos, Entwaidamela the
Bringer of Fire, and the rest won't stop fighting until there is no
enemy but peace.

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