Re: Oly-AOO

Jim Frediani (
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 07:28:26 -0800

Wallace wrote:


> Well It now seems plain that some people (PLATO) are not who they say
> they are well here is some official info I gleened from someone who
> recently quite the game and who had been working for them,
> PLATO are not The new AOO, they are working for them ie the PLATO is a
> front for the AOO

# Commentary #
First off, I for the purpose of clarity, those of you who did not play
in g1, the AOO was an alliance of players who upon discovering how
the rules worked, set out to, and for all intents and purposes did,
the game. They were a diverse set of people. Some kept their word.
Others did not. Some treated other players fairly, others treated
other players as a resource to be harvested as needed.

Second...and my point here...Oleg was one of the possitions that the
AOO [or parts thereof] decimated either dirrectly, or through their
"allied organization", the Empire (which was subsequently taken
out by the AOO).

My conclusions: I find it difficult to believe that with his g1 ex-
perience, Greg would put himself in a possition where he would be a
_front_ for a _team_ that would eventually backstab him and take him
down. Also, the AOO as a _team_ does not exist in g2 and thus no one
can be a front for it. Third, the rules that made the AOO capable
of ammassing its wealth of nobles and massive dragon armies have been
altered or diluted to the point that the only way for any alliance to
with g2 [that I've seen] to the extent that the AOO did in g1 is for
every player in the game to form one massive alliance and declare the
game over.

> As none of this effects my postion and wasn't in the first game so
> don't know what the fuss is all about I am therefore open to offers
> from both sides to convince me and my associates who we should listen
> to.

'nuff said

Jim Frediani

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