Re: newbies Yuck!

Wallace (
11 Nov 1997 14:34:38 +0000

In <>, Greg Lindahl wrote:
>> The purpose of this list is NOT diplomacy, even though it has been used
>> for this purpose. From the Olympia web page, the purpose of this
>> mailing list is "for Olympia G2 players to chat about the game."
>I consider chatting to be diplomacy. And it's sometimes more interesting
>than discussing rules ;-)
>> Please realize that it is not a requirement to subscribe to this list. Do
>> not expect that just because you send a message to this list that everyone
>> in Olympia will see it. If you wish to send a message to everyone, you
>> should post it in the times.
>I have done that.
>-- O

The problem with posting in the times is the time delay in sending
receiving deplomatic info, the list allows a faster interchange of

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