Relics & Common Tasks
Wed, 9 Apr 1997 09:35:22 -0400 (EDT)

a couple of questions....
This turn while questing I found a relic. (yipee!)
unfortunately it says on the bottom of my turn report that the lore sheet for
the relic is not available.
So, how do I go about finding what this relic is / does?
I have checked the rules, but they don't say.

for 2 turns in a row Perform common tasks for has not worked properly for me.
last turn I ordered
use 802 5 # use PCT for 5 days
in a civ-1 city. This should have been good for 5 days as 10 gp per day for
50 total gold. There were no other nobles in the city.

Instead my turn report read:
21:>use 802 5
21:Earned 5 gold

I wrote 2 emails to support asking if this was a bug, but I never got a
response to either.
I attempted to use 802 again this turn, and got the same results.

Has anybody else had problems with PCT? or am I the only one?

Thanks in advance,

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