Re: Common tasks

Wed, 2 Apr 97 15:15:09 EST

] Common Tasks has an optional parameter, [days]. Apparently, the caster did
] a use 80x 1.

Even if the command was issued for one day, the caster would still get
10 gold.

Here is an example of Perform common tasks for gold (PCTFG) from a turn report:

> 9: > use 802 5
> 9: Earned 5 gold.

The rules state that this would PCTFG for 5 days, and get 10 gold per day.
This was in a civ-1 province, so there should have been 5 days worth of work
there. And no one else was doing PCTFG in this city.

It seems to me that the syntax is broken. Instead of the parameter
dictating how many days, it is controlling how much money is collected.

If you assumed that PCTFG was like all other collection skills, the parameter
usually is the amount you want to collect, not how many days to spend


] --j
] Eridanus
] On Wed, 2 Apr 1997, Simon Beresford wrote:
] > I see that someone earnt 5 gp from Common Tasks in one day.
] >
] > Is this a bug?
] >
] > It was in a civ level 1 city where 5 days of work should have been
] > available at 10 gp a day. No other reports were given of Common Tasks
] > taking place and I do not believe there were 9 hidden nobles each of
] > whom earnt 5 gp each.
] >

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