Re: Experimental feature

Keith Hearn (
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 11:06:21 -0800 (PST)

Rich Skrenta wrote:
> This turn I doing an experiment with web availability of turn
> reports. Further details will appear after the turn; however,
> as part of this experiment, I'd like to get a few players who'd
> be willing to make their turn reports public, i.e. up on the
> web site for anyone to see.
> To encourage you to do this, if you elect to have your turn
> report made public, you'll get an extra 100 claim gold.
> If you want to take me up on this offer, have one of your units
> (either a character or the faction entity, it doesn't matter)
> issue the command: PUBLIC

Maybe Rodger Coghglan will do so, so we can all see how the orders he
posted to the list turned out. :-)


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