Olympia turn 4

Rodger Coghglan (grrc@ntwrks.com)
Sun, 16 Mar 1997 19:42:37 -0500

begin jy3 # Minghella

unit jy3 # Minghella

unit 7852 # Zardoz in Drassa [d80] >> heading to missing ce24
give 2049 10 10
rumor 3
Is it true that Drassa is the only city with no rumours of cities?
Poor babies!!
try this rumour -- go east young man, go east.

move out
move e
move s
explore #try to find ce24
move ce24 #try to move there
explore #either try to find ce24 or find what is hidden there
move s
unit 2049 # GrimJack in Drassa [d80]
# > wait item 10 10 (still executing)
buy v482
move out #1 day
move e #7 days
move e #8 days
move e #7 days
move s #7 days 30 days to here
move s #? days - haven't mapped this far
unit 9984 # Logan FleetFoot in Plain [cc30]
# > explore (executing for one more day)
move s #Head south then w to get back with the rest of the
move s w
move s w
move s w
unit 5784 # Lady Misty Crothhaven in City [b98]
# > explore (executing for one more day)
move out #1 day to province
move s #10 days to mountain
move e #14 days to Swamp
move e s #10 days to ??? -- 35 days to here
move e s #8 days to Desert

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