Oly-2: Problem with skill lists ?

Pierre H Pero (pepper@ecn.purdue.edu)
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 09:27:41 -0500 (EST)

I have sent the following to support@pbm.com 3 times in the last week.
But a week with no response I wonder if that is the correct address.

Or maybe I am mistaken in thinking it is a problem.

Are there errors in Olympia G2s skill progression?

The following are lists of what skills are learnable without research ( easy )
in 3 schools. If G2 is compared with G1 each list has one easy subject that has
been swaped with one researched skill. And the trades come as a suprise to me.

G2 G1
801 Meditate 9101 Meditate
802 Perform common tasks for gold 9103 Perform common tasks for gold
803 Appear common 9104 Appear common
804 View current aura level of others 9105 View CA of others
805 Reveal abilities of another mage 9146 Heal < ???

861 Teleport 9116 Jump through gate < ???
862 Detect gates 9115 Detect gates

701 Construct battering ram 9540 Construct battering ram
702 Harvest lumber 9568 Harvest lumber
703 Harvest yew 9569 Harvest yew
704 Collect rare foliage 9583 Collect rare foliage
705 Harvest mallorn wood 9588 Harvest opium < ???

It strikes me that the 1st N skills in a school were made to not need
research. But the lists were not rearranged to put the skills in the proper
order. Since in G1 the 1st N skills were not always the easy skills.

Pierre Pero pepper@ecn.purdue.edu

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