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Olympia Design List '93 by subject
Starting: Fri 12 Nov 1993 - 06:05:58 EDT
Ending: Fri 29 Apr 1994 - 23:50:02 EDT
Messages: 246
- 300/600 tax base issue
- a "working" paper on olympia gaming
- Add me to the list please
- add me to the list.
- Another benefit of dropping FT's
- Appendix to rules
- Auto-attack
- Battle magic
- Bounces?
- Call for tradegoods
- Castles, Politics, and Game Design.
- Cities nearby
- Civ level and tax base
- Civilization Effects on Markets
- Civilization is back (fwd)
- combat and other stuff
- combat problem
- Comments
- Comments from David Bedard
- Cost of building castles?
- Couple of comments
- Critique of some subskills
- Current Kingdoms plan
- Days per turn
- Death in Olympia
- declare hostile
- Design list subscribe (fwd)
- Diminishing returns from research
- Enhancing Magic
- Enhancing Trade
- Entering 'Beta' stage
- Entity numbers are ugly
- Entity reference tags (fwd)
- Exit interview (fwd)
- Experience rating for skills
- Faction tree thoughts...
- faction trees - keep em!
- Faction trees a wash?
- FEE command
- Fees
- Flying
- format of turns
- Getting new players started
- Give back NP's on death?
- Giving away info
- Handling player drops
- Hiring
- Hiring (fwd)
- How are things progressing??
- Land and Ship movements.
- Land ownership mechanic
- Land ownership mechanic (fwd)
- Locality proposal
- magic enhancements
- Making Olympia more interesting
- My mailbox mishap
- Nail in the coffin
- Need a few people for a design list
- Olympia development too slow
- Olympia political system
- organizations in Olympia II
- Permissions proposal
- Permissions system
- Player-built roads
- Politics
- Politics, game organizations
- Questing
- Rare trade route seeding
- RE: Scry region too easy?
- Remove FOUND order
- Replace NP's with Unformed nobles
- Research outside of a tower?
- Resurrection and SWEAR
- Returned mail: Host unknown
- Roads,cities, and monsters
- Roundships/galleys
- sailing stuff
- Scrolls, palantiri and potions
- Scry region too easy?
- Should DROP return ingredients?
- Show lord by default?
- Skill costs
- some small suggestions
- SOmething other than factions!
- SOS (Save Our Scrying)
- Speaking of coffins...
- starvation
- starvation (fwd)
- Suggest uses for gold
- suggestion for reports
- Suggestion for Taxation (fwd)
- Suggestions for olympia (fwd)
- The great FT debate (revisited)
- The turn reports.
- Trade and Collecting.
- Trade and money supply
- Turn report browser
- Turn report revision 1/3
Last message date: Fri 29 Apr 1994 - 23:50:02 EDT
Archived on: Wed Sep 27 1995 - 22:26:53 EDT
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