The dice server PGP signs all responses. The PGP public key for the dice server appears below.
Do not encrypt your submissions to the dice server. The PGP block is provided so that you may verify the signature on messages received from the dice server, if you are so inclined.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.1 mQCNAzBWT0MAAAEEAMdEGMGOgGmkSftqYMsigTWGuX/3UPM0Lg1P8HiyTnsBxsPU eCXsbhsox6yrTzJrLw/dLtcdCrwF1Kp+l5dLC40lKSrZ+Cx/9EUnxJlqbWU2YkVs PikoqJey/Jbi/NVkXdm1TF0s6dv1Haf+YD+ph9ozua198Ng10T8NitsTFjcVAAUV tCBEaWNlIFNlcnZlciA8ZGljZS1hZG1pbkBwYm0uY29tPg== =+0Q1 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
PGP is a widely-available public key cryptography package.